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Everything is connected to everything. Everything you desire is already connected to your field. Transform the patterns of your consciousness and you will transform your life and body into the desires of your heart.

You are your own healer. You are the manifestor of your destiny. Your history does not define you, you are of the Infinite, made in the image of the divine. All we need is to be remindedof who we are and what we are.

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Fractal Holograms

Can be projected onto the body, when connected to a projector, powerful fractal patterns with encoded affirmations that are received through the skin.

BioPhotonic Holographic Healing
Every cell in our bodies interacts and communicates through light. These 12 holograms activate the Luminescent Matrix of our soul. Holograms include: Intuition, Clarity, Strength, Attraction, Release, Vision, Healing, Vitality, Wisdom, beauty, Harmony and Ceation.
Quantum Light Activation
“Both light and shadow are the dance of Love.”

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Quantum Heart Activation
BioPhotonic Holographic Healing
The heart is the power center of the soul, when empowered and activated, the soul discards fear, awakes courage and releases shame. These 12 holograms are effective for transformation: Openness, Gratitude, Strength, Purpose, Honor, Comfort, Delight, Surrender, Awareness, Spontaneity, Faith and Courage.
“Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.”

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Quantum Sacred Geometry
BioPhotonic Holographic Healing
The foundations of our universe are based on Sacred Geometry. There are twelve powerful Holograms: Toroidal Field, Vescis Piscis, DNA, Tetrahedron, Flower of Life, Hexahedron, Metatron's Cube, Icosahedron, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, Infinity and the Star Tetrahedron,
“I call it sacred geometry. When everything's just right and it feels really balanced, so that when it unfolds to the next part, you feel totally familiar and at ease within the song.”
Jason Mraz

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Quantum Energy Center
These Holographic Gateways Into Love's Infinite Presence are portals to powerful gifts and abilities, explore and unlock the wonder within.
“The chakras are very intelligent – they are like the software of the whole computer body.”
Dharma Mittra

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Imaginal Wings
These Imaginal Wings act as messengers from our higher soul. There are 24 wings to try on and experience.
“You are born to fly, and in dreams you remember the soul has wings.”
Robert Moss

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